I sin framtida yrkesroll kommer studenter ofrånkomligen att stöta på utmaningar och problem som behöver adresseras. Att under sin utbildning få verktyg för att hantera dessa är således nödvändigt. På Storm har vi därför under hösten arbetat fram en metodprocess som utmanar studenters problemlösningsförmåga i syfte att ge studenter metoder och verktyg för att omvandla utmaningar och problem till lösningsförslag.

Processen som hämtat inspiration från vårt innovationsdags-koncept Stormathon testades för första gången nu i höst av studenter från Socialpedagogiskt arbete inom funktionshinderområdet. Momentet lades in som en del av VFU-kursen och studenterna uppmanades att, med utgångspunkt i ett underlag för problemförståelse som Storm tagit fram, uppmärksamma utmaningar på den arbetsplats de befann sig på under sin VFU. Efter praktikperioden samlades studenterna på Storm för en intensiv heldag som fick namnet Stormathon intern. I grupper bearbetade de några av de utmaningar som fångats upp ute på arbetsplatserna, via övningar och metoder för problemförståelse, idégenerering, idéurval, konceptualisering och presentationsteknik. Lösningsförslagen presenterades sedan som korta pitchar i slutet av dagen för handledare och övriga studenter.

Det var kul att äntligen få testa att köra en heldag med idé- och problemlösningsmetodik för en grupp som inte har det som en självklar del av sin utbildning. Det var utmanade, men vi lärde oss mycket inför nästa gång. Nu har vi ett koncept som kan genomföras med fler grupper, sammanfattar Helena Ondrus, metodansvarig på Storm.

Stormathon November 27 – Apply now!

Dekorativ bild

Problem solver. Team player. Innovator. Analyst. We know that sounds like you – but do you?

Stormathon is the opportunity to participate in an intense, one-day innovation boot camp. Together with students from other programs, you get a case: a real problem from an external organization or company, who will be your client for the day. You will work in tailor-made teams organized to complement each other’s strengths while being coached by experienced innovators and facilitators throughout the whole day. At the end of the day, you will pitch your solution with a chance to win the final prize.

This autumn’s Stormathon will take place on November 27th at Storm Innovation Hub. Skanska is the client and the theme is sustainable working life in the future.

27 November 09:00-21:00 • Application closes November 13th

Application closed!

Find out more about our Stormathon concept here!


KVINNOR INOM TEKNIK – VAD ÄR PROBLEMET? Med Pink Programming & Massive Entertainment

Andelen kvinnor som antas till svenska ingenjörsprogram ligger idag mellan 25 och 30 procent, och år 2018 var andelen kvinnor inom IT- och telekombranschen bara 28%. Trots att konkurrensen är låg och lönerna höga, söker inte fler kvinnor sig till branschen. Vad är egentligen problemet?

I detta Storm Talk bjuder vi in till diskussion om vad som krävs för att locka fler kvinnor till teknikyrken. Frukost ingår!

19 september 09:00-10:00 (frukost från 08:30)

OBS: Anmälan krävs!

Talare: Alice Larsson, verksamhetsledare Pink Programming

Samtalspanel: Kristina Allder, universitetsadjunkt och programansvarig inom datavetenskap, Dorota Gorna, studievägledare på fakulteten för Teknik och samhälle, Linda Malmgren, kommunikationsdirektör på Massive Entertainment

Storm Talk är en samtalsserie producerad av Malmö universitets innovationsmiljö Storm.

How to make an impact as a student

Are you interested in innovation, entrepreneurship and how you best can share your knowledge and ideas with businesses and organizations?

On September 10, Storm invites you for an introduction about some of the support and services available to you at Malmö University. The aim is to open you up to new ways of thinking, talk about how you can take your ideas further and how Malmö University can help you share your knowledge and ideas with others. 

The afternoon will begin with short presentations from Storm Innovation Hub, Drivhuset and Malmö University’s business developer. Thereafter, we will discuss further in smaller groups or in one to one conversations.

The introduction will be in English but questions and thoughts can be shared and answered in Swedish.

Please let us know if you are coming. Sign up here!

Where? Storm Innovation Hub at Malmö University, Gäddan, Citadellsvägen 7

When? September 10, 15.15 – 17.00

For any questions regarding the event, please contact:

Metodbuffé – med fokus på undervisning

Den 17 september bjuder Storm återigen in alla medarbetare vid Malmö universitet till en metodbuffé – denna gång med fokus på undervisning. 

Metodbuffén består av fyra 20-minuterspass där vi går igenom metoder som hjälper till att skapa bra förutsättningar för projektarbeten i undervisningen. Vi går igenom tips för grupparbeten, hur man kan skapa inkluderande stämning i olika klasser, vikten av pauser och möjligheterna med Storms lokaler. Varje pass är 15 minuter långt, följt av en 5 minuters frågestund. Vi startar morgonen 08.00 med frukost och kör sedan igång metodbuffén 08.30.

Metodbuffén hålls på svenska.

Anmäl dig här senast den 10 september!

Var: Storm, Gäddan, Citadellsvägen 7
När: 17 september, 08.00-10.00

För frågor går det bra att höra av sig till


Afraid your final project will be put on a shelf to collect dust? Do you wanna take advantage of the knowledge you collected and the result you’ve presented, but don’t know how?

On June 12, Storm Innovation Hub welcomes you – who finished your final project at Malmö University during Fall 2018 or Spring 2019 – to an afternoon about how you can take your final project further.

No matter which area you’ve been working in or which form your final project has taken, there are big potentials for it to grow. Maybe you want to come in contact with potential stakeholders, find your target group, build a prototype or try your ideas on new or potential users. Maybe you want to research it further through science or maybe you don’t know what you want but are interested to learn about your possibilities. We welcome all projects, commercial or non-commercial and at your service you’ll have Storm Innovation Hub, Karriärservice, Business Developers, Drivhuset and Forskarservice.


14.00 – 15.00 Information from Karriärservice, Drivhuset/Business developers and Forskarservice about which resources and support they can offer.

15.00 – 16.00 Group discussions on how you can develop your project and what you need to get started

Sign up here before June 5! Limited amount of spots.

Information på svenska här!

Movie for Change: Cowspiracy

On the theme of Sustainable Development Goal, number 13 – Climate Action Storm invites you to this springs last Movie for Change and the screening of Cowspiracy – The Sustainable Secret

Animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of deforestation, water consumption, pollution, and it is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the whole transportation industry. It’s a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean “dead zones,” and virtually every other environmental ill. Yet it goes on, almost entirely unchallenged.

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret is a feature-length environmental documentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it.

Movie for Change is a free event, where we meet to watch, discuss and reflect upon the subject of positive change.

The last Thursday of every month, between 17-20, we welcome you to a movie night about sustainable development. With specially invited guests we will thereafter address and discuss problems and opportunities for sustainable development connected to the theme of the movies.

The events are co-produced with the Department of Urban Studies, the Leadership for Sustainability master’s programme and Fenix Miljöförening.

STORMATHON 2019.04.02

There is a lot of knowledge created within the walls of Malmö University. But how do we make sure that it leaves a lasting impact, and contributes to a better world?

Last week, Stormathon was arranged for the first time here at Storm. During 12 intense hours, 38 students from 27 different programs and courses, divided into 9 groups, worked together to solve a case from the City of Malmö. With the help from innovation coaches and facilitators, the students got a chance to practice their innovation and problem-solving abilities, as well as collaborating with people outside of their field. At the end of the day, they pitched their results in front of a jury and three of the teams were awarded a special prize. 

“Based on a real challenge, the students can understand and learn from each other’s different perspectives, competencies, and experiences, which strengthens them for future situations in the working life”, says Karolina Rosenqvist, one of the coordinators and part of the Storm team.

For the first Stormathon, Storm teamed up with the City of Malmö who provided the students with a challenge of how to improve the maintenance of the outdoor environment in Malmö.

“This was an exciting collaboration for us. It was a way for us to get valuable input from young adults about how we can limit damage and sabotage and make the city more sustainable”, says Jenny Aurell, change leader of the project Digital Malmö.

“Through Stormathon and similar events, we can encourage new ways of working that inspire more people within the institution to collaborate internally and externally”, says Anna Bogeskär Brandt, project coordinator at the University Executive Office.

The Stormathon innovation day was a great success thanks to a great commitment from the students, the City of Malmö and specially invited guest lecturers. The winning team will now get the chance to continue developing their idea – with the help from the City of Malmö and MINC. while the second runners-up will be able to dig deeper into the innovation-practice by attending Skåne Innovation Day and Urban Innovation day.

Why do we do this?

Storm is here for you who work or study at Malmö University. Our goal is to challenge and guide employees and students towards innovative thinking, make people meet and highlight research and innovation to build upon. By arranging this kind of events where collaboration is in focus we aim to stimulate networking and knowledge transfer as well as pave the way for transboundary meetings.

Our hope is to be able to arrange more events like this, where students, teachers, researchers, and other employees can collaborate multidisciplinary and with external actors. At Storm, we see great potential in the concept and think that a next step could be to collaborate across faculty and departmental boundaries where students in specially selected programs with contact points in professional life could be targeted.

“One of Storm’s strengths is that we have a broad network within the university, both on the education side and the research side. It is not certain that a research group that works with a particular issue knows what other research groups do in closely related areas. Storm could help with identifying collaborative opportunities and we can be used as a resource to establish collaboration between research groups and educational programs”, says Karolina Rosenqvist.

But it’s not just about networking and collaboration. It’s also about exploring new methods and tools for innovation and problem-solving.

At Storm, we believe in learning by doing. Compressing the innovation process to 12 hours is a challenge, but it also allows the students to get a taste of the different steps and try out several tools for ideation and presentation. We wanted to spark curiosity and give the participants confidence in their own creativity”, says Julia Micanovic, one of the Stormathon coaches and part of the Storm team.

Stormathon was held on April 2nd and was a collaboration between Storm Innovation Hub at Malmö University and the City of Malmö.


Stormathon: spring 2019

Looking for the November 2019 Stormathon? Click here!

Problem solver. Team player. Innovator. Analyst. We know that sounds like you – but do you?

Stormathon is the opportunity to participate in an intense, one-day innovation boot camp. Together with students from other programs, you get a case: a real problem from an external organisation or company, who will be your client for the day. You will work in tailor-made teams organized to complement each other’s strengths while being coached by experienced innovators and facilitators throughout the whole day. At the end of the day, you will pitch your solution with a chance to win the final prize.

The first Stormathon ever took place in collaboration with the City of Malmö in April 2019 and you can read more about it here!

We’re currently planning the next edition for the 2019 autumn semester. Are you representing an organisation or company and want to be the next case owner? Send us an email!

– What is Stormathon?

Stormathon is an innovation day which offers students at Malmö University the chance to develop your problem-solving ability – with a real case from an external client.

Stormathon offers you the opportunity to:

  • Practice your innovation and problem-solving abilities
  • Work with a real case
  • Expand your network
  • Identify and make use of your specific strengths
  • Collaborate with other students outside of your field or program
  • Compete against other teams for the best solution and the chance to win a price

During 12 intense hours, you will work in a team with students from different programs and with varied competencies. You get your case in the morning and at the end of the day, you will present it in front of a jury. At your disposal are:

  • Your own room for idea generation and all the material that you will need for a creative process.
  • Access to coaching and method support
  • Direct contact with representatives from your client
  • Inspirational lectures

Of course, no need to stress about food. We will have you covered! Lunch and dinner will be served, as well as coffee and snacks all day long.

Intrigued? Email us at and we will let you know when sign-up opens!

Boksläpp: Evidensbaserad stadsutveckling, 9 april

Hur byggs en stad? Har vi allt tillgängligt vetande samlat när vi tar beslut som ändrar förutsättningen för livet i staden?

Etnolog Joakim Forsemalm och pedagog Magnus Johansson har under flera års tid fördjupat sig i processerna som bygger våra städer. Deras nya bok Evidensbaserad stadsutveckling beskriver hur professionell kunskap om stadsutveckling kan balanseras mot både vetenskaplig kunskap och det kunnande som finns hos de som bor och verkar i stadsdelar.

Välkommen på releasefest!

Datum: 9 april 17:00-19:00

Plats: Storm Innovation Hub, Malmö universitet (byggnaden Gäddan, Citadellsvägen 7)

Obs! Begränsat antal platser. Anmäl dig här!


17:15     Joakim Forsemalm och Magnus Johansson hälsar välkommen och inleder

17:30     Panelsamtal om behovet av att arbeta mer evidensbaserat med stadsutveckling

Paneldeltagare: Olof Andersson (VD, Trianon), Martin Grander (bostadsforskare, Malmö universitet), Victoria Percovich Gutierrez (hållbarhetsstrateg, White Arkitekter)

18:00     Mingel och därefter efterfest hos Radar Arkitektur, Kristianstadsgatan 14